
Navigation in this website constitutes acceptance of the terms of use described in the paragraph below and any subsequent amendments thereto.

The information in this site may contain typographical errors or technical inaccuracies. The information in this site is subject to change without notice. The Warehouse hairdressing is not responsible for any errors or omissions.

The contents of this site is protected by copyright, rights of industrial and commercial property and other laws applicable therein and is owned by the Company, unless otherwise indicated. The information it contains may be used and reproduced.

The site refers users to other websites which are not administered by le domaine du vin. The Company assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites. Links tothese sites are provided for information only. Le domaine du vin is not responsible for the content of these websites and dissociates itself from the views and opinionscontained therein.


Although the warehouse of the hair is making every effort to provide timely and accurate information, it can not be held liable for an omission or error in the content of its website.The products presented and availability may change.